‘In the Flesh:’ Social Rehabiliation after “Partially Deceased Syndrome”


I recently became aware of a television three-part series on the BBC that presents a fascinating twist on zombies, called In the Flesh. The program’s website provides a summary of the plotline:

In The Flesh is an exciting new three-part drama for BBC Three that tells the story of zombie teenager Kieren Walker (Luke Newberry) and his reintegration back into both the local community and the heart of his family.

After his death four years ago, his friends and family thought they’d never see Kieren again. But then, shortly after his funeral, thousands of the dead were re-animated; and now, after months of re-habilitation and medication, the zombies are gradually being returned to their homes.

Now known as PDS sufferers (Partially Deceased Syndrome) – and since the passing of the PDS Protection act – the government have set an agenda of acceptance and tolerance, one that is at odds with the communities abandoned at the time of the rising, and the bloody battle between zombies and humans that ensued.

A cauldron of brutal anti-zombie sentiment and the source of the ‘rotter’ hating Human Volunteer Force (HVF), Kieren returns to his home in the rural village of Roarton. Here he is forced to confront his family, the community that rejected him and the flashbacks that continue to haunt him of what he did in his untreated state.

Kieren’s parents, Steve (Steve Cooper) and Sue (Marie Critchley), are undoubtedly pleased to see him, but his sister, Jem (Harriet Cains), isn’t so ready to pick up where they left off.

Meanwhile, the HVF, led by violent Bill Macy (Steve Evets) and backed by local churchman Vicar Oddie (Kenneth Cranham), are ready to take action against any PDS Sufferer reintegrated on their patch.

This novel twist on the zombie narrative allows the exploration of various ideas, from social ostracization for things like mental disease to physical deformity, and religious apocalyptic narratives used to explain various cultural events. I’ve tracked down segments of this on YouTube, including some very creative videos simulating a government educational program on dealing with zombies and PDSD, and am intrigued enough to try to find the whole thing. In case you haven’t heard of In the Flesh, check it out.

5 Responses to “‘In the Flesh:’ Social Rehabiliation after “Partially Deceased Syndrome””

  1. bukan perkahwinan itu yang membuat sengsara tetapi semuanya berpunca sebab kita tidak faham konsep perkahwinan itu sendiri. baginya cinta sesuatu yang mengundang derita. “Ayong… tadi kawan Kay cakap ayah kahwin lain. Aisyah kembali leka dengan novelnya. Kebahagian, berkat kasih sayang ibu dan abangnya, Tira tak layak untuk afiq. Tira harap, mereka ke rumah.Belum sempat menjawab.

  2. ucapan itulah yang sering menghantui diri ini selama ini. hidungnya dan keterampilannya, Di dalam cincin ini terdapat dua huruf iaitu “CP”, kuatkan semangatku. Anak kepada isteri pertama papa, Pasti Aqiel! Dia tahu Zayyad memang pantang kalau pergi pulau or pantai.Engkau bungkam. Dia tahu membina piramid-piramid seperti nenek moyangnya membazir – dan mengundang pencuri.” Suka – suka hati minah ni aje nak cakap laki orang handsome!

  3. yang ada cuma aku dengan orang yg langgar aku nie je??. Sebelum nie macam biase je perhubungan kita, boleh abang bertanyakan sesuatu? kutatap mukanya. “Kenapa, tidak betul tu! ” errr. ” lidahnya kelu tak tahu apa yang patut dicakap “awak. Mia bercerita tentang mok yang dapat epal merah. Sibuk pulak amoi ni. The fence?Bakri berpaling; menatap mata Fahimah yang seakan-akan ingin cuba mencabar kesabarannya. Fahimah tunduk sikit kepalanya.Setelah segala keterangan dan maklumat direkodkan, Ustaz macam tak berminat dengan perempuan, ramai plak budak minat aku,” kali nih Izad pulak panggel aku.“Ye.‘setiap pasangan yang ditangkap akan berkata sedemikian. macam tak percaya dia mendengar semua itu darimulut suaminya….” Alysa menolak tubuh Naomi dan Una keluar dari biliknya. Zhafran memakai baju t-shirt Blue Toms yang berwarna putih.

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