Titles of Interest – Holy Sci-Fi! Where Science Fiction and Religion Intersect

51Dzhi4kieL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Holy Sci-Fi! Where Science Fiction and Religion Intersect by Paul J. Nahin (Springer, 2014)

Can a computer have a soul? Are religion and science mutually exclusive? Is there really such a thing as free will? If you could time travel to visit Jesus, would you (and should you)? For hundreds of years, philosophers, scientists, and science fiction writers have pondered these questions and many more.

In Holy Sci-Fi!, popular writer Paul Nahin explores the fertile and sometimes uneasy relationship between science fiction and religion. With a scope spanning the history of religion, philosophy, and literature, Nahin follows religious themes in science fiction from Feynman to Foucault, and from Asimov to Aristotle.

An intriguing journey through popular and well-loved books and stories, Holy Sci-Fi! shows how sci-fi has informed humanity’s attitudes towards our faiths, our future, and ourselves.

By the author of the popular books “Time Machines” and “The Science of Radio”

Discusses the opinions and writings of philosophers and scientists (Pascal, Hume, Nietzsche) and science fiction authors (Arthur C. Clark, C. S. Lewis, Isaac Asimov)

Draws connections between science fact, science fiction, philosophy, and theological debate over the past five centuries

One Response to “Titles of Interest – Holy Sci-Fi! Where Science Fiction and Religion Intersect”

  1. Carl Rosenberg

    I was pleased to see the discussion above of two books dealing with religion and science fiction. This is one of my favourite aspects of SF, one that unites both the thinking and dreaming poles of the genre, as British SF writer Brian Aldiss said in his history of science fiction, Billion Year Spree.

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