There is a great article at the Horror Homeroom website titled “YOU’RE PISSING ON MY PEOPLE: MIDSOMMAR AND THE REVENGE OF THE RESEARCH SUBJECT” by Emily Naser-Hall. Here’s a sample in the form of the conclusion:
“The cult to be dismantled, then, is not Hårga or even the more stereotypically brutal communities from Cannibal Holocaust and Eli Roth’s Green Inferno, but rather the cult of academia that repeatedly reinscribes imperial epistemological and methodological hierarchies that devalue and exclude indigenous forms of knowledge. Christian, Josh, and Mark found a golden opportunity to use their positions within the academy to rewrite the collection and validation processes that justify anthropological research. Alas, while those working and writing in the same positions as these doctoral students might not meet the same ghastly fate, Midsommar tells a cautionary tale not about the dangers of wandering into remote Swedish villages with no cell phone service and random bears in cages, but about the arrogance and colonizing violence of Western knowledge practices.”
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