ABIGAIL film fun

ABIGAIL trailer

It has been quite a while since I last blogged here. I’ve been busy the last year planning major revisions and expansion to some of my nonprofit and have been content to share TheoFantastique thoughts on Facebook. But I thought I’d make a few posts in light of recent films and comics, for what it’s worth.

In this post I begin with ABIGAIL, a vampire film from Universal Studios. Almost the entire plot is given away in the trailer, but the film starts as a kidnapping for ransom tale of a seemingly innocent little girl ballerina. Soon the tale turns into a horror-comedy when the kidnappers learn they have nabbed a vampire, and the whole heist was a setup so Abigail the vampire could hunt them!

A few other thoughts come to mind. As I said above, the trailer gives away most of the film, but there are a few twists at the end. Given that this is a vampire film produced by Universal, it was nice to see a nod given to the studio’s Dracula from 1931 by way of the same opening music from Swan Lake. While ABIGAIL does have its horrific moments, it also never takes itself too seriously, and includes some genuinely funny moments. If you have a little time and want to have fun with some horror-comedy, ABIGAIL is currently streaming on Peacock and is available on DVD and Blu-ray.

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