Horror Comics and Religion available

I’m tardy in promoting one of my own books. Horror Comics and Religion: Essays on Framing the Monstrous and Divine (McFarland, 2023), co-edited with Brandon Grafius and featuring a number of great contributors, is now available. Here’s the description:

While many genres offer the potential for theological reflection and exploration of religious issues, the nature of horror provides unique ways to wrestle with these questions. Since EC Comics of the 1950s, horror comics have performed theological work in ways that are sometimes obvious, sometimes subtle, but frequently surprising and provocative.

This collection brings together essays covering the history of horror comics, from the 1950s to the present, with a focus on their engagement with religious and theological issues. Essays explore topics such as the morality of EC Comics, cosmic indifference in the works of Junji Ito, the reincarnated demons of the web-comic The Devil is a Handsome Man, religion and racial horror in comic voodoo, and much more.

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