Category Archives: Bible

Oxford Handbook of Biblical Monsters

We have been working diligently the last few months to finalize the proofs and cover for The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Monsters. The proofs have been edited and we are scheduled for publication in June. The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Monsters brings together the work of world-renowned scholars in Bible, theology, religion, and cultural studies […]

Heather Macumber on the Monstrous in Revelation

Dr. Heather Macumber is the author of a new book titled Recovering the Monstrous in Revelation: This book reads Revelation through the lens of the monster. Using monster theory, Heather Macumber approaches the cosmic beings in John’s Apocalypse as other and monstrous regardless of whether they are found in heaven or the abyss, with significant […]

Forthcoming volume – Recovering the Monstrous in Revelation (Horror and Scripture)

I just became aware of another great, forthcoming book, one that combines biblical studies and monstrosity. Recovering the Monstrous in Revelation by Heather Macumber This book reads Revelation through the lens of the monster. Using monster theory, Heather Macumber approaches the cosmic beings in John’s Apocalypse as other and monstrous regardless of whether they are […]

Steve Wiggins on “Nightmares with the Bible”

Steve Wiggins returns to TheoFantastique to discuss his new book Nightmares with the Bible: The Good Book and Cinematic Demons. You can purchase this volume at the link, or secure a copy via interlibrary loan. My review of Steve’s great book can be found at Horror Homeroom. Watch my previous conversation with Steve here. The […]

Theme of Monsters and the Bible in Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology

Monsters and the Bible Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology Vol. 74, No. 2 (April 2020) On the Impossibility and Inevitability of Monsters in Biblical Thought Kim Paffenroth After general considerations of what constitutes a “monster,” this essay examines the examples of “monsters” in the Bible, showing that the Bible does not as […]

Podcast with Brandon Grafius: “Reading the Bible with Horror”

I’m pleased to share a video podcast conversation I had with Brandon Grafius on his book Reading the Bible with Horror. We have been working together for a while co-editing the volume Theology and Horror, and we talk a little about this too, as well as our new project the Oxford Handbook of Biblical Monsters. […]

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