Category Archives: monsters

Oxford Handbook of Biblical Monsters

We have been working diligently the last few months to finalize the proofs and cover for The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Monsters. The proofs have been edited and we are scheduled for publication in June. The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Monsters brings together the work of world-renowned scholars in Bible, theology, religion, and cultural studies […]

David Puglia on Folklore and Monster Studies

Folklore provides another helpful lens through which we can broaden our understanding of monster studies. In this conversation, David Puglia is the guest. David is Associate Professor and Deputy Chairperson in the English Department at Bronx Community College of The City University of New York, where he teaches courses in folklore, children’s literature, popular culture, […]

Yasmine Musharbash and the Anthropology of Monsters

Monster studies is a growing academic discipline, but while religious studies and pop culture have made important contributions, anthropology and other disciplines have not had the representation and contribution they deserve for a truly multidisciplinary approach to the subject. So goes part of the argument of Yasmine Musharbash, an anthropologist who has done important work […]

New issue of The Journal of Gods and Monsters

A new issue of The Journal of Gods and Monsters is now available, Vol. 2., No. 1 (2021).View and download here.

Premier issue of “The Journal of Gods and Monsters”: The Monstrosity of Displacement

I’m pleased to announce the first issue of The Journal of Gods and Monsters is now available. Monsters are often defined as those unfortunate beings displaced from the “normal,” and in the inaugural issue of The Journal of Gods and Monsters, we are exploring this displacement and the role of religious traditions in its construction, […]

Theme of Monsters and the Bible in Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology

Monsters and the Bible Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology Vol. 74, No. 2 (April 2020) On the Impossibility and Inevitability of Monsters in Biblical Thought Kim Paffenroth After general considerations of what constitutes a “monster,” this essay examines the examples of “monsters” in the Bible, showing that the Bible does not as […]

Titles of Interest – “Tracking Classical Monsters in Popular Culture”

I learned about this volume from the blog of Steve Wiggins, a fellow monster scholar. The overall topic is very appealing to me, and the discussion of Harryhausen’s monsters (or creatures as he preferred to call them), make this a volume I must add to my library. Tracking Classical Monsters Liz Gloyn Bloomsbury Academic, 2019 […]

Announcing a new journal and call for papers: The Journal of Gods and Monsters

The Journal of Gods and Monsters Special Issue: The Monstrosity of Displacement  We are pleased to announce the creation of a new double blind, peer-reviewed, open access journal exploring the relationships between religion, monsters, and the monstrous: The Journal of Gods and Monsters. Headed by editors Natasha Mikles, John Morehead, Michael E. Heyes, and Brandon […]

Titles of Interest – Monsters of Film, Fiction, and Fable: The Cultural Link Between the Human and the Inhuman

Monsters of Film, Fiction, and Fable: The Cultural Link Between the Human and the Inhuman Edited by Lisa Wenger Bro, Crystal O’Leary-Davidson, and Mary Ann Gareis Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018 Monsters are a part of every society, and ours is no exception. They are deeply embedded in our history, our mythos, and our culture. However, […]

Texas State: Of Gods and Monsters Conference

Welcome to the page for Of Gods and Monsters, a conference happening at Texas State University April 4th -6th, 2019. We’re excited to welcome you to San Marcos, Texas, and talk about monsters! Judith Halberstam famously claimed that monsters are “meaning machines” that can be used to represent a variety of ideas, including morality, gender, […]

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