Category Archives: vampire

Leonard Primiano: True Blood, Post-9/11 Spirituality, and “Vernacular Religion”

What might the opening title sequence from HBO’s popular vampire series True Blood tell us about “vernacular religion” in our post-9/11 context? And what does this say back to institutional religion? While researching Burning Man Festival for my MA thesis a few years ago the book God in the Details: American Religion in Popular Culture, […]

CALL FOR PAPERS: Theology and the Undead

CALL FOR PAPERS Theology and the Undead The academy and pop culture alike recognize the great symbolic and pedagogical value of the undead (or reanimated dead). Vampires and zombies possess an important ability to enable reflection in a variety of personal and cultural ways. This has been explored variously from consumerism to racism to the […]

Martin and Monster Hunting: Can We Return to the Familiarity of the Old World?

I am working my way through Gregory A. Waller’s book The Living and the Undead: Slaying Vampires, Exterminating Zombies (University of Illinois Press, 2010), and came across an interesting quote in relation to the George Romero “vampire” film Martin from 1977. This stylistically self-conscious contemporary story of an American teenage murderer, who may actually be […]

New Trailers Worth Seeing: Dead Island and Midnight Son

I recently came across two trailers worth taking a look at. The first is for the new video game Dead Island, the latest in zombie survival horror. The trailer is as haunting as it is artistic due to the graphic imagery of a zombie attack in slow motion, but also in the creative way in […]

Interview at recently posted an interview with me. In the piece I discuss not only vampire folklore and mythology, as well as my favorite piece of vampire fiction, but also issues related to vampires as an identity group and vampires in popular culture in connection with various would-be monster hunters, Van Helsings who seek to warn […]

Forthcoming Book – The Vampire Defanged: How the Embodiment of Evil Became a Romantic Hero

I just became aware of a new book that is scheduled for release in April 2011 that touches on the vampire in literature and popular culture. It is titled The Vampire Defanged: How the Embodiment of Evil Became a Romantic Hero (Brazos Press, forthcoming), by Susannah Clements, an associate professor and department chair in language […]

Journal of Dracula Studies Call for Submissions

The Journal of Dracula Studies is looking for submissions: Anne DeLong/Curt Herr/The Journal of Dracula Studies Contact email: We invite manuscripts of scholarly articles (4000-6000 words) on any of the following: Bram Stoker, the novel Dracula, the historical Dracula, the vampire in folklore, fiction, film, popular culture, and related topics. Submissions should be sent […]

Matt Cardin: “Religion and the Vampire” in Encyclopedia of the Vampire

In times past the vampire was discussed largely in folklore, and later horror magazines for monster kids and teens, as well as the cinema, largely for the same audience, including adults who enjoyed the horror genre. While the vampire is still found in these sources, and has appeal for these segments of its audience, the […]

Salt Lake Tribune: The Vampire’s Religious Roots

I was one of the individuals tapped to provide information for a piece on the vampire for The Salt Lake Tribune along with Joseph Laycock and James D’Arc. The article by Peggy Fletcher Stack is titlted “Christ’s evil twin? The vampire’s religious roots”. From the introductory material: It takes more than a theological stake to […]

Merticus Interview: Media’s Depiction Of Vampires – CSI Las Vegas: “Blood Moon”

CBS recently aired an episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation titled “Blood Moon.” The episode focused on a murder connected to the intersection between the vampire and werewolf communities. In relation to this program TheoFantastique presents an interview with Merticus of the Atlanta Vampire Alliance. Merticus has been a member of the vampire community since […]

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