Category Archives: vampire

Richard Harland Smith and Our Inner Contagion

The other day I was following various research threads on the Internet and discovered the Turner Classic Movies blog titled Movie Morlochs, which classic science fiction fans will recognize as a takeoff from George Pal’s The Time Machine. Unfortunately, despite the clever name, the blog is not solely devoted to science fiction films, but it […]

History Television: The Real Vampire Files

History Television will be broadcasting The Real Vampire Files on Tuesday, September 7. The website provides a description of the program: Dracula, Nosferatu and Twilight‘s Bella are all part of cinema history and the Vampire legend, but is there any truth behind the spine-chilling fiction? At first bite, the vampire seems to be just the […]

Vampire Evolution: Beyond Americanized and “Twilightized” Depictions

A while back I suggested that the development in vampires in film toward a darker expression of the iconic creatures in films like 30 Days of Night may represent a reaction against the popularity of the zombie, and an attempt at reasserting the dominance of the vampire. Now we are seeing depictions of the vampire […]

Open Graves, Open Minds Conference Update

In a previous post I mentioned the Open Graves, Open Minds: Vampires and the Undead in Human Culture conference which looked at various ways in which the vampire serves as a metaphor in culture. The conference was held in April of this year on the campus of the University of Hertfordshire in the UK. (See […]

Joseph Laycock: The Legend of Cain and Vampires in the Bible

Joseph Laycock continues to demonstrate that he is the up and coming religion and vampire scholar for the next generation. He recently wrote an article for Religion Dispatches titled “Vampire Bible: Will Smith and The Legend of Cain.” The article begins with the recent announcement that Will Smith will play the Old Testament biblical character […]

Coming Attractions

In the near future I will be interacting with the authors or editors of several books. To begin this process, I have mentioned this book in the past but am slow to finally read the volume. I have just begun Stephen Asma’s On Monsters: An Unnatural History of our Worst Fears (Oxford University Press, 2009): […]

Joseph Laycock: Vampires and Eclipse

Watch this video on YouTubeEclipse recently debuted in theaters, the latest installment in the Twilight series of romance-vampire films, and in connection with this I am pleased to present this video of fellow religion and pop culture scholar Joseph Laycock. He shares some thoughts on the history of the vampire, contemporary vampirism, and the Twilight […]

Call for Papers on “Vampire Love”

The Popular Culture and American Culture Associations are issuing their last call for papers on the topic of “Vampire Love:” 2010 Film & History Conference: Representations of Love in Film and Television, November 11-14, 2010, Hyatt Regency Milwaukee, Third Round Deadline: June 1, 2010, AREA: Vampire Love. The history of film is regularly punctuated […]

Academic Conference on the Undead in the UK

The University of Hertfordshire in the UK is hosting an academic conference on the undead next week. The conference is titled “Open Graves, Open Minds: Vampires and the Undead in Human Culture.” The conference is described as follows: The aim of the conference is to relate the undead in literature, art, and other media to […]

Christians and Vampire Mythology

With the success of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series of books, and the subsequent films, at least in the minds of some in popular culture, it is only natural that others would want to cash in on religiously-infused vampire literature. Meyer incorporated aspects of her Mormon faith in her novels, and now evangelicals are incorporating their […]

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