Religious tensions expressed again in The Strain

5847133_the-strain-picture-preview-mothers-extreme_12fbde82_mI’m a little behind on watching episodes of The Strain, but one which aired a couple of weeks ago caught my attention because of the conflicting ways in which it portrayed Christianity. Previously I’ve commented on the way the series engages the Christian faith, particularly in its Roman Catholic expression. This is due to Guillermo del Toro’s negative experiences with Catholicism when growing up with a devout and stern Catholic grandmother. Although del Toro considers himself an agnostic, he also identifies in some ways as a lapsed Catholic. So it is no surprise that the religious tension in del Toro’s own life surfaces in his artistic expression as co-author of The Strain series of books, producer of the series, and director of a few episodes.

In the episode a couple of weeks ago, Thomas Eichhorst, a vampire who serves The Master, seeks an ancient book, the Occido Lumen, rumored to contain ways in which to defeat this vampiric evil. The book is in the possession of a Catholic Cardinal, apparently corrupted by his power and money. Eichhorst confronts the Cardinal to take possession of the Occido Lumen, and pauses to comment as he looks at a large crucifix. His hands run up and down it, and he says that it seems like a strange way to treat your only son, referring to the humiliating death by crucifixion of Jesus represented in the crucifix. This is intended as mockery of a key tenet not only of Catholicism, but also of historic Christendom. Yet at the same time it raises interesting theological questions about the Christian doctrine of the atonement that are debated by contemporary theologians. Eichhorst attacks the Catholic Cardinal and infects him with the worms that lead to vampirism so that his knowledge of the location of the book will become known to The Master. Before he is attacked the Bishop is pictured on his knees looking upward to heaven praying for deliverance. Eichhorst looks up mirroring the Bishop’s gaze and asks where this would-be divine deliverer is and why he doesn’t rescue his follower. No, he says, The Master will soon demonstrate that he is the true Lord to be followed.

But while these two elements represent a mockery and subversion of Catholic and Christian belief, the scene changes not long after. Abraham Setrakian, who is also looking for the book, chases off Eichhorst, and offers to cleanse the soul of the Bishop by releasing him of the vampiric infection through death by beheading. Here Setrakian becomes the counterpoint to the mockery of the previous scenes and embodies faith in Christianity as a force for good with the power to overcome the evil of the infectious vampiric strain.

It will be interesting to watch how the religious tensions of The Strain continue to manifest themselves, many of the same kinds of tensions found not only in Guillermo del Toro, but also many in Western culture as well.

Call for Papers: Reframing Science Fiction

Winston_EndpaperCall for Papers – Reframing Science Fiction: A One Day Conference on the Art of Science Fiction

21 March 2016

Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 1QU

Keynote speakers: Dr Jeannette Baxter (Anglia Ruskin University) and Dr Paul March-Russell (University of Kent)

From William Blake and John Martin to Glenn Brown and The Otolith Group, artists have been producing works of art that are science fiction. And artists and their works have been incorporated into many works of science fiction.

Meanwhile, on countless book covers and in magazine illustrations, a visual language of science fiction has evolved: bug-eyed monsters; spaceships; robots and so on.

Art in the comic strip and the graphic novel has been the means of telling stories in visual form – whilst artists such as Roy Lichtenstein have made comic panels into art.

We invite 300 word proposals for twenty minute papers on the intersection of art and sf across the media – painting, sculpture, drawing, collage, photography, film, performance, prose, dance, architecture and so on – on topics such as:

•individual artists or groups of artists;
•pop art;
•representations of sex, gender, class, ethnicity etc.;
•specific techniques or materials;
•book and magazine covers;
•comic books/graphic novels;
•art film;
•art direction

Send proposals or queries to: Dr Andrew M Butler, School of Media, Art and Design, Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury, CT1 1QU, UK or to by 15 January 2016.

Further information will be available from

New Volume: The X-Files FAQ

515yuTjxMAL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_John Kenneth Muir is a prolific author and commentator on genre related entertainment. He is also a personal friend and collaborator in various book projects. I am pleased to promote his new book The X-Files FAQ: All That’s Left to Know About Global Conspiracy, Aliens, Lazarus Species, and Monsters of the Week (FAQ Series) (Applause Theatre & Cinema Books, 2015).

The X-Files FAQ explores Chris Carter’s popular 1990s science-fiction TV series, which aired on Fox for nine seasons and inspired spin-offs, including feature films, TV shows, toys, novels, and comic books. The book explores the series in terms of its historical context and analyzes how many of the episodes tackle the events of their time: the Clinton era. The X-Files FAQ also tallies the episodes that are based on true stories, selects touchstone moments from the almost decade-long run, and organizes the series by its fantastic subject matter from serial killers to aliens, from prehistoric menaces to ethnic and religious-based horrors. In addition, the book recalls the TV antecedents (Kolchak: The Night Stalker) and descendants (Fringe) of The X-Files, examines the two feature films, and investigates Chris Carter’s other creations, including Millennium, The Lone Gunmen, Harsh Realm, and The After. Featuring numerous stills and the show’s most prominent writers and directors, The X-Files FAQ allows readers to relive the “Mytharc” conspiracy and the unforgettable monsters of the week from the Fluke Man to the Peacocks.

You can order this fine volume through Amazon and other online and retail outlets.

Strange Dimensions featuring interview with David Hufford on sleep paralysis

51iXkwBXU-L._SX351_BO1,204,203,200_I am pleased to recommend Strange Dimensions: A Paranthropology Anthology edited by Jack Hunter. This volume is a celebration of four years of the Paranthropology Journal, and collects together 16 of the best articles from the last two years (the first two years were covered in Paranthropology: Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal, published in 2012). It includes my interview with David Hufford on sleep paralysis.

It is from the paranormal’s multifaceted nature that the title of this book takes its meaning. Throughout its pages we encounter, time and again, talk of a wide variety of dimensions, levels and layers, from social, cultural, psychological and physiological dimensions, to spiritual, mythic, narrative, symbolic and experiential dimensions, and onwards to other worlds, planes of existence and realms of consciousness. The paranormal is, by its very nature, multidimensional.

“Once again, Jack Hunter takes us down the proverbial rabbit hole, here with the grace, nuance and sheer intelligence of a gifted team of essayists, each working in her or his own way toward new theories of history, consciousness, spirit, the imagination, the parapsychological, and the psychedelic. Another clear sign that there is high hope in high strangeness, and that we are entering a new era of thinking about religion, about mind, about us.”

— Jeffrey J. Kripal, author of Authors of the Impossible: The Paranormal and the Sacred

Table of Contents

Editor’s Introduction: Many Strange Dimensions – Jack Hunter

Foreword: Playing with the Impossible – Joseph P. Laycock

Part 1: Ethnographies of the Anomalous

1. Profane Illuminations: Machines, Indian Ghosts, and Boundless Flights Through Nature at Contemporary Paranormal Gatherings in America – Darryl V. Caterine

2. Hearing the Voice of God – Tanya M. Luhrmannn

3. Life is Not About Chasing the Wind: Investigating the Connection Between Bodily Experience, Beliefs and Transcendence Amongst Christian Surfers – Emma Ford

4. Communication Across the Chasm: Experiences With the Deceased – John A. Napora

5. The Paranormal Body: Reflections on Indian Perspectives Towards the Paranormal – Loriliai Biernacki

Part 2: Making Sense of Spiritual Experience

6. From Sleep Paralysis to Spiritual Experience: An Interview With David Hufford – John W. Morehead

7. A Matter of Spirit: An Imaginal Perspective on the Paranormal – Angela Voss

8. The Spectrum of Specters: Making Sense of Ghostly Encounters – Michael Hirsch, Jammie Price, Meghan McDonald & Mahogany Berry-Artis

9. “Spirits are the Problem”: Anthropology and Conceptualising Spiritual Beings – Jack Hunter

10. The Brain and Spiritual Experience: Towards a Neuroscientific Hermeneutic – Andrew B. Newberg

Part 3: High Strangeness

11. Playback Hex: William Burroughs and the Magical Objectivity of the Tape Recorder – James Riley

12. Crop Circles as Psychoid Manifestation: Borrowing Jung’s Analysis of UFOs to Approach the Phenomenon of the Crop Circle – William Rowlandson

13. The Para-Anthropology of UFO Abductions: The Case for the Ultraterrestrial Hypothesis – Steven Mizrach

Part 4: Consciousness, Psychedelics and Psi

14. Navigating to the Inside: First Person Science Perspectives on Consciousness and Psi – Rafael G. Locke

15. Connecting, Diverging and Reconnecting: Putting the Psi Back in Psychedelic Research – David Luke

16. A Paradigm-Breaking Hypothesis for Solving the Mind-Body Problem – Bernardo Kastrup

Artificial intelligence and religion

artificial-intelligence-religion-not-goodThere has been a good bit of discussion lately on artificial intelligence in connection with religiosity. The Daily Mail has a piece titled “Will artificial intelligence be religious? Researchers say robots could someday be converted to a faith.” This includes positive and negative aspects. On the latter, the piece states

If artificially intelligent robots could have souls and be converted to religion, there are concerns that they may add to conflict around the world.

Christian theologian James McGrath, writes in his essay Robots, Rights, and Religion: ‘In all likelihood, if androids were inclined to be extremely liberal, they would quickly discover the selectivity of fundamentalism’s self-proclaimed liberalism and reject it.

‘The possibility that they might then go on to seek to enforce all the Biblical legislation in every details should indeed worry us.’

There is also a piece at Big Think titled “Experts Debate the Compatibility of AI and Religion.” It overlaps somewhat with the Daily Mail piece, but it’s worth looking at as well.

Titles of Interest – Ghosts, Spirits and Psychics: The Paranormal from Alchemy to Zombies

9781610696838Matt Cardin of The Teeming Brain is a good friend and colleague in all things fantastic. I am pleased to announce one of his latest book projects, Ghosts, Spirits and Psychics: The Paranormal from Alchemy to Zombies (ABC-CLIO, 2015).

This fascinating work provides a complete overview of paranormal phenomena, including the beliefs, attitudes, and notable figures who have attempted to explain, defend, or debunk the mysteries behind the unknown.

Recent interest in the paranormal as pop culture fodder belies its historical status as an important subject of cultural, philosophical, and scientific significance. This book traces the trajectory of paranormal studies from its early role as a serious academic and scientific topic studied by mainstream scientists and eminent scholars to its current popularity in books, film, and TV.

This compelling reference work details the experiences, encounters, and ideas that make up this controversial field of study. The contributed entries examine the broad phenomena of the paranormal, addressing the history of scientific investigations along with its contemporary media depictions to illustrate the evolution of cultural attitudes about the paranormal. A selection of primary documents provides real-life accounts and contributions from noted experts that explore the full scope of themes from spiritualism to poltergeists to astrology. Accompanying images, timelines, quotations, and sidebars make the content come to life and encourage alternative explanations of these events.


* Contains more than 120 factual entries as well as extensive excerpts from several primary documents in the area of the paranormal
* Features contributions from noted experts in its field from across viewpoints—including believers and skeptics
* Profiles a number of important individuals who have contributed to the history and study of the field
* Includes such topics as near-death experiences, paranormal dreams, the supernatural, magic, and the occult

Matt Cardin is an instructor at Ranger College in Ranger, TX. His published works include ABC-CLIO’s Mummies around the World: An Encyclopedia of Mummies in History, Religion, and Popular Culture; numerous articles and essays in various publications, including ABC-CLIO’s Encyclopedia of the Vampire: The Living Dead in Myth, Legend, and Popular Culture; and the books Dark Awakenings and Divinations of the Deep. He holds a master’s degree in religious studies and a bachelor’s degree in communication.

Titles of Interest – Beyond the Monstrous: Reading from the Cultural Imaginary

9781848881815LBeyond the Monstrous: Reading from the Cultural Imaginary (Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2013), edited by Janice Zehentbauer and Eva Gledhill

Twenty-first century’s fascination with monsters in popular culture is not new. Throughout history, many of the world’s cultures have created beings they deem ‘other’ and ‘monstrous,’ beings which, many scholars agree, ultimately reveal humans’ own fears about themselves. This collection of interdisciplinary studies, Beyond the Monstrous: Readings from the Cultural Imaginary, explores constructions of the ‘monstrous’ from several vantage points, such as the popularity of today’s Twilight saga, to the hermaphrodite and questions of sexuality in seventeenth-century English print culture, and to the post-industrial ruins of Japan’s landscapes. The scholars of this text demonstrate that concepts of monstrosity frequently veil socio-political anxieties of a given culture or historical moment. More significantly, the scholars here emphasise the ethical ramifications of the ways in which humanity creates, analyses, and treats its monsters.

Introduction: Reading beyond the Monstrous
Janice Zehentbauer

Part I: Monstrous Women
Monsters in the Shadows: Brahmin Widows in Twentieth-Century India
Sarah Rangaratnam

Sympathy for the She-Devil: Poison Women and Vengeful Ghosts in the Films of Nakagawa Nobuo
Michael E. Crandol

The Monster Inside Me: Unnatural Births in Early Modern Italian and French Fairy Tales
Belinda Calderone

Part II: The Age of Monstrosity: Teens and Beyond
Narrativizing Sexual Deviance as both Symptom and Fantasy: The Perverse Sexuality of the Wolf-Child
Steven Rita-Proctor

The Lost Boys?! Monstrous Youth of the Cinematic Teenage Vampire
Simon Bacon

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Youth, Age and the Monstrosity of Beauty in The Twilight Saga
Monica Dufault

Part III: Beyond Gender
Print Culture and the Monstrous Hermaphrodite in Early Modern England
Whitney Dirks-Schuster

Monstrous Hermaphrodites: Jeffrey Eugenide’s Middlesex, the Intersexed Individual and the Bildungsroman
Rowan Roux

Who Mourns for Godzilla? Gojira and De-Asianization of Post-War Japan
Steven A. Nardi and Munehito Moro

Part IV: Monstrosity, Racism (and Imperialism)
Spectres of Capitalism: Ghostly Labour and the Topography of Ruin in Post-Industrial Japan
Norihiko Tsuneishi

Monsters and Survivors in Oates’s Jewish American Saga
Maria Luisa Pascual-Garrido

Grave Tales, Monstrous Realities
Louise Katz

Titles of Interest – The Monster Stares Back: How Human We Remain through Horror’s Looking Glass

9781848883536-341x500The Monster Stares Back: How Human We Remain through Horror’s Looking Glass (Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2015), edited by Mark Chekares and Marcia Heloisa

When we look at monsters from a safe distance, it is nothing but a glance. To preserve our pristine human identity, whenever we find the monstrous Other, we search for difference, not similarity. But what happens when we allow our gaze to linger and the face staring back at us looks uncannily familiar? When we lose the alterity factor and can no longer discern the boundaries that separate ‘us’ from ‘them’? The nine chapters in this volume investigate how terrifying the Other remains after we strip its façade and discover an unsettling likeness. Also, the saturation of monster imagery and verbiage contained in contemporary literature, film, music, and popular culture solidifies it as a topic that crosses diverse borders. The authors’ interdisciplinary approaches reassess issues such as the current stand of classical monsters, the persistence of animal imagery in Horror and the domestication strategies that reshaped monstrosity.

The Other that Therefore I am: An Unsettling Likeness
Marcia Heloisa Amarante Gonçalves and Mark Chekares

Part 1   Old Monsters, New Meanings: Horror’s Collective Memory Remembered

Developing Co-Dependence between Monsters and Children in Animated Feature Films
Mark Chekares

The Curious Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: The Changing Face of the Monster
Simon Bacon

Part 2 The Monster Menagerie

Monstrous Heads on the Hero’s Body: Animal Art and Hybridity
Almudena Nido

The Devil Whisperer: Taming the Monstrous Beast in The Exorcist
Heloisa Amarante Gonçalves

Part 3 The Fearful Other

The Other(s) Uncontemplated: Monsters of the Other Side
Peyo Karpuzov

Madness, Stigma and Religion in American Horror Story: Asylum
Jessica Rosenberg, Adrienne Rosenberg and Samuel Julio Rosenberg

Part 4 Monstrosity Revisited: Shifting Identities in Supernatural Tales

Evil Is in the Eye of the Beholder: Snow White and the Evil Queen
Cristina Santos

Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: Lycanthropy and Integrated Spaces in Contemporary Fairy Tale Adaptations
Shawn Edrei and Meyrav Koren-Kuik

‘Once Upon a Time’ and the ‘Happily Ever After’
Hannah Madsen

Patheos Book Review: The Paranormal Conspiracy

51oeyxWOCYL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_A volume at the Patheos Book club recently caught my attention. It is The Paranormal Conspiracy: The Truth About Ghosts, Aliens and Mysterious Beings (Chosen Books, 2015) by Timothy Dailey, Ph.D. An excerpt from the book and an interview with the author are available at Patheos. From time to time we explore the paranormal at TheoFantastique, and this volume seemed like a natural one to review.

Early on in this book Dailey tells the reader what his volume is all about. He states, “Our premise is that a diabolical conspiracy is afoot: a plot to lead human hearts and souls eternally astray” (13). This includes “occult manifestations” and “the paranormal worldview” that Dailey associates with demons, resulting in a Paranormal Conspiracy, “the diabolical plot to overthrow the Judeo-Christian worldview and plunge the world into darkness and chaos not unlike that of the cinematic zombie apocalypse” (12, 13).

Dailey develops his thesis through twelve chapters of analysis of various expressions of the paranormal and aspects of Western esotericism. This includes the shamanic tales of Carlos Castaneda, Bigfoot, UFOs and the alien abduction stories of Whitley Strieber, the Theosophy of Helena Blavatsky, psychic mediums, cyber mysticism influenced by Aleister Crowley, and the mythic figure of The Trickster.

For those familiar with evangelical treatments of “the occult” and various new religious movements or “cults,” Dailey’s volume represents nothing new that hasn’t been done in years past by authors like Walter Martin, Gary North, John Ankerberg, John Weldon, and Frank Peretti. Although some of the topics Dailey explores may be more recent than those found in previous apologetic tomes, his approach is anything but novel as he links various phenomenon together and connects them to his evangelical Christian worldview by way of the cosmic dualism of God and the devil, spiritual warfare, and counterfeit spirituality, with a strong dose of conspiracy thrown in. For evangelicals books like Dailey’s provide a boundary maintenance function, identifying alleged evil phenomena, and comforting the reader with the assurance that in the end God will triumph over these spiritual forces. It’s too bad that just as some scholars are starting to take a serious look at what the paranormal might mean for religion and human experience through publications like Nova Religio and Paranthropology, that this volume seeks to bypass such inquiry as theologically out of bounds. But whether one agrees with Dailey’s paradigm and understanding of the paranormal or not, there are aspects of The Paranormal Conspiracy that are problematic.

First is the issue of definitions. The paranormal is a fringe area of scholarly study, and one that finds little support in the academic study of religion. For this and other reasons it is difficult to find formal definitions of the paranormal in the scholarly literature. When it comes to definitions in this area it is somewhat similar to defining art or pornography: we think we know it when we see it. Dailey’s treatment is similar in this regard in that he includes various things that have come to be associated with the paranormal in popular discourse including cryptozoology (Bigfoot), UFOs, various psychic phenomena, as well as UFOs and alien abduction. But Dailey also includes certain expressions of the Western esoteric tradition in the study of new religions, including Theosophy and Helena Blavatsky, and the Thelemic magick of Aleister Crowley. All of these are included under the banner of “the paranormal,” but Dailey also describes them broadly as “the occult.” Distinguishing between the paranormal and the occult can often depend on who is doing the analysis, but this volume includes a major deficit by way of a failure to introduce and ground the subject matter by way of definitions and discussion of the context of religious studies and new religious movements.

Second Dailey also lacks a sense of self-awareness and self-critique in regards to what is classified as legitimate and illegitimate religious experience. As scholars like Jeffrey Kripal have noted, there is a tendency to privilege mainstream religious practices as normative and to see the paranormal as heterodox and fringe. As a result, Dailey easily dismisses the paranormal, while failing to note that glossalalia, miraculous healings, spirit possession and exorcism from the Christian tradition bear strong affinities if not parallels with paranormal experiences.

Third, like most evangelicals writing on “the occult,” Dailey shows little depth by way of an awareness of the Western esoteric tradition. He writes about the occult and the “New Age,” but fails to situate this within the growing body of scholarly work on Western esotericism. And while he is concerned about the popularity of paranormal beliefs, Dailey still seems to consider esotericism fringe, rather than demonstrating an awareness of it as the third major religious tradition in the West alongside Christianity and Judaism as J. Gordon Melton has noted.

Fourth, one of the chapters focuses on the shamanic volumes of Carlos Castaneda. Here Dailey’s argument for a paranormal conspiracy is severely undermined as one of the links in his conspiratorial chain is suspect. Serious criticisms have been levied against Castaneda, so much so that the author is dismissed as a fraud in some circles. As Robert Marshall writes in

Among anthropologists, there’s no longer a debate. Professor William W. Kelly, chairman of Yale’s anthropology department, told me, “I doubt you’ll find an anthropologist of my generation who regards Castaneda as anything but a clever con man. It was a hoax, and surely don Juan never existed as anything like the figure of his books. Perhaps to many it is an amusing footnote to the gullibility of naive scholars, although to me it remains a disturbing and unforgivable breach of ethics.”

Finally, Dailey’s discussion of “The Zombie Apocalypse” in Chapter 11 is extremely disappointing. He devotes two pages to the current zombie phenomenon in popular culture, but the rest of the chapter is devoted to the author’s concern over “a primal fear of dark primordial forces that stalk the modern world” (163). Using this approach to zombies, Dailey misses a real opportunity to discuss the cultural, social, psychological, and theological significance of these monstrous icons in popular culture.

For those interested in more informed and balanced explorations of the paranormal and Western esotericism there are other books that will be far more helpful. These include Paranormal America by Christopher Bader, F. Carson Mencken, and Joseph Baker; Haunted Ground by Darryl Caterine; Authors of the Impossible by Jeffrey Kripal; UFO Religions edited by Christopher Partridge; and The Occult World also edited by Christopher Partridge.

Related posts:

“Bader, Mencken, and Baker: Paranormal America”

“Jeffrey Kripal Interview on Mutants & Mystics: Comics, Sci-Fi and the Paranormal”

“Jeffrey Kripal – Authors of the Impossible: The Paranormal and the Sacred”

Exploring the Gothic at The John Rylands Library

video-still-darkness-and-lightDarkness and Light reveals how Gothic architecture and anatomy inspired and influenced a literary genre, and how the lasting legacy of Gothic can be found in art, films and subculture today. From the fantastical to the macabre, this intriguing exhibition unearths Gothic treasures from the Library’s Special Collections to investigate subjects as varied as the role of women in the Gothic movement, advances in medical science and classic literature.

The exhibition also showcases artwork by students from the University of Salford and a gallery of photographic portraits of ‘Goths’, celebrating diversity and inviting visitors to explore what Gothic means to them.

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