CFP Journal of Gods and Monsters Upcoming Special Issues
The Journal of Gods and Monsters is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that seeks to explore the connections between the sacred and the monstrous. “Religion” can refer to the world’s religious traditions or to ideas that are religious in a substantive sense, such as God, demons, or death and the afterlife. However, the journal will also consider articles that explore the “religious” dimension of culture in a functional sense as relating to values, myths, and rituals.
Special Issue #1: Religion, Monstrosity, and the Paranormal
Lead Issue Editor: John Morehead
Deadline for Submission: March 15, 2022
Although typically dismissed and viewed as fringe phenomena by scholars, the paranormal is enduring. The Chapman University Survey of American Fears, which includes survey data on paranormal beliefs, those phenomena at odds with mainstream science and orthodox religion, reported in 2018 that large numbers of people find the paranormal of interest. Some 58% believe that places can be haunted by spirits, 57% believe in lost ancient civilizations like Atlantis, and 41% believe aliens once visited the earth in the ancient past. The paranormal often functions as a source of transcendence and meaning for people, even as it draws upon various forms of monstrosity. We would like to produce a theme issue of the journal on the paranormal intersecting with monstrosity and religion.
Special Issue #2: Candyman
Guest Editor: Joseph P. Laycock
Deadline for Submission: March 15, 2022
The Journal of Gods and Monsters seeks papers for a special issue on Candyman, to be guest edited by Joseph Laycock. We especially seek papers interpreting the 2021 film directed by Nia DeCosta. However, we also encourage papers that consider the previous films (1992, 1995, and 1999), as well as Clive Barker’s original story “The Forbidden” (1985).
Some possible angles of analysis might include:
- The significance of ritual and summoning in the Candyman mythos
- Candyman as monstrous object of horror and/or prophetic agent of justice
- The nature and function of narrative and folklore in the Candyman mythos
- Candyman as object of worship
- The intersection of the monstrous with anxieties over race and (in 1992 film) miscegenation
- How the religious dimension of the BLM movement has influenced the Candyman mythos
- Themes of damnation, destiny, and the Gothic in Candyman
Submissions for BOTH special issues:
Proposals should be submitted directly to the journal via its online system, but authors may reach out to the guest editor for more information or to submit a 250-word abstract.
Submissions for both issues should be scholarly in nature, between 5000 and 10000 words, and are requested by March 15, 2022 (submissions after this date will be considered for future issues). We encourage submissions from all disciplines, geographic areas, and time periods. Articles should be submitted via the online system at after registration. In the case of questions please contact the editorial team at or at their professional email addresses. Please reach out to John Morehead and Joseph Laycock individually with specific questions or concerns on each special issue.
To inquire regarding book or media reviews for either special issue, please contact Brandon Grafius (