Tag Archives: comics

Horror Comics and Religion available

I’m tardy in promoting one of my own books. Horror Comics and Religion: Essays on Framing the Monstrous and Divine (McFarland, 2023), co-edited with Brandon Grafius and featuring a number of great contributors, is now available. Here’s the description: While many genres offer the potential for theological reflection and exploration of religious issues, the nature […]

Ed Gein graphic novel and religion

I don’t remember where I saw the recommendation, but I decided to use a Christmas gift card to order a copy of the “Did You Hear What Eddie Gein Done?” graphic novel by Harold Schechter and Eric Powell. I’m not a fan of true crime, but given the significance of the Gein case as an […]

Universal Monsters DRACULA comic

A while back I heard that a new four-part comic series was being released with a new take on THE CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON. I pre-ordered them and read them as they came in the mail in two installments of two comics each. While it was great to see my favorite creature, the one […]

“Moon Knight” and Egyptian Gods

I haven’t kept up with all the comic book movies coming out, having tired of so many super hero ventures and franchises. So it wasn’t surprising that I hadn’t heard about Marvel Studios’ Moon Knight, a streaming series. However, what was surprising was to find an article at The Conversation exploring an aspect of the […]

Marvel’s MORBIUS

Although I read Marvel comics growing up, I just haven’t gotten much into the movies. I did enjoy the IRON MAN movies, one of the titles I used to read. Then again, I was never that into comics, and was always more of a fan of horror and science fiction. Perhaps this explains why the […]

Call for submissions – Religion and Horror Comics

While many genres offer the potential for theological reflection and exploration of religious issues, the nature of horror provides unique ways to wrestle with these questions. Since the EC Comics of the 1950s, horror comics have performed theological work in ways that are sometimes obvious, sometimes subtle, but frequently surprising and provocative. This volume will […]

Interview with Matthew Brake of Pop Culture and Theology

This morning I had a conversation with Matthew Brake of the Pop Culture and Theology website. I hope you enjoy our video podcast. You can visit his website here.

Titles of Interest – It Happens at Comic-Con: Ethnographic Essays on a Pop Culture Phenomenon

It Happens at Comic-Con: Ethnographic Essays on a Pop Culture Phenomenon (McFarland, 2014), edited by Ben Bolling and Matthew J. Smith This collection of 13 new essays employs ethnographic methods to investigate San Diego’s Comic-Con International, the largest annual celebration of the popular arts in North America. Working from a common grounding in fan studies, […]

Dark Horse: March 22 is Hellboy Day

Dark Horse Comics designated March 22 Hellboy Day to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the comic. Read more here.

Salt Lake Comic Con Expands to Include Second Event for 2014

I attended the 2013 Salt Lake Comic Con as a media representative, and was invited to their press conference today but was unable to attend. After the event they released the following press release. Salt Lake City will see not one, but two fan conventions in 2014! Salt Lake Comic Con Is Baaack! With Great […]

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