Tag Archives: horror

Horror Comics and Religion available

I’m tardy in promoting one of my own books. Horror Comics and Religion: Essays on Framing the Monstrous and Divine (McFarland, 2023), co-edited with Brandon Grafius and featuring a number of great contributors, is now available. Here’s the description: While many genres offer the potential for theological reflection and exploration of religious issues, the nature […]

Ryan Duns and Theology of Horror

Ryan G. Duns, SJ, is my guest in this conversation. Ryan is an associate professor of theology at Marquette University. We discuss his new book Theology of Horror: The Hidden Depths of Popular Films (University of Notre Dame Press, 2024). From the description at Amazon: Theology of Horror explores the dark reaches of popular horror […]

ABIGAIL film fun

It has been quite a while since I last blogged here. I’ve been busy the last year planning major revisions and expansion to some of my nonprofit and have been content to share TheoFantastique thoughts on Facebook. But I thought I’d make a few posts in light of recent films and comics, for what it’s […]

Forthcoming “Be Afraid” podcast

I was pleasantly surprised to receive an email from Fuller Seminary on Friday announcing a forthcoming podcast addressing horror and spirituality. Given evangelicalism’s hesitancy to embrace horror out o concerns for evil and its alleged incompatibility with a respectable expression of faith, it will be interesting to see how horror is treated in this series. […]

Steve Wiggins on The Wicker Man

Steve Wiggins is the guest to discuss his new book The Wicker Man. From the publisher’s website description: Many fans of Robin Hardy’s The Wicker Man (1973) may know that this classic is considered a fine sample of folk horror. Few will consider that it’s also a prime example of holiday horror. Holiday horror draws […]

Two Forthcoming Titles

I’m pleased to announce two forthcoming titles that look great. I know both authors and they have made appearances on this blog previously, which makes it even more exciting, and the subject matter is wonderful. First, on the fiftieth anniversary of The Wicker Man film, Steve A. Wiggins has written The Wicker Man as part […]

LMK Sheppard on Faith Horror: Cinematic Visions of Satanism, Paganism and Witchcraft, 1966-1978

I had a great conversation with LMK Sheppard about her new book that touches on some great horror films during an important historical and cultural period, and involving certain new religions. A topic that has relevance and application in the present as well.


I recently learned about a book that appeals to me in a number of ways. It is titled Faith Horror: Cinematic Visions of Satanism, Paganism and Witchcraft, 1966-1978. The subject matter of this book dovetails with the two expressions of my work in religion, specifically certain new religious movements, and religion in pop culture as […]

Brandon Grafius discusses his new book “Lurking Under the Surface”

Brandon Grafius is one of the best current voices at the intersection of horror and religion. In this conversation he discusses his book Lurking Under the Surface: Horror, Religion, and the Questions That Haunt Us (Broadleaf Books, 2022). Brandon is associate professor of biblical studies at Ecumenical Theological Seminary in Detroit, where he teaches Old […]

Matthew Tan discusses Zombie Jesus

Matthew John Paul Tan discusses his book Redeeming Flesh: The Way of the Cross with Zombie Jesus. He shares how the idea of the zombie, and Zombie Jesus, can be a helpful tool for theological reflection. Tan is Dean of Studies at St. John Vianney College Seminary in Australia. He is also is a theologian […]

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