Tag Archives: science fiction

Cinefantastique Online – SURROGATES: Sci-Fi Thriller’s Reflections on the Self and the Synthetic

My latest essay for Cinefantastique Online is now available, titled “SURROGATES: Sci-Fi Thriller’s Reflections on the Self and the Synthetic.” Here is an excerpt: Although SURROGATES will likely not set great box office records, in my view the film is a significant one. Many times I build up great expectations based upon film trailers and […]

DISTRICT 9 Draws Nigerian Protest

In a previous post I provided some interaction with another commentator on the sci fi film District 9. Viewers and reviewers alike have noted its strong social commentary and critique of Aparthied, an irony in that the film has now become the object of international controversy for allegedly promoting national stereotypes. Various news outlets are reporting that […]

Douglas Cowan Interview Part 2: Sci-Fi, Transcendence and “Sacred Space”

Following is the second installment of the interview with Douglas Cowan, sociologist of religion at Renison University College, who discusses science fiction and transcendence in connection with his book Sacred Space (Baylor University Press, forthcoming). (Photo to the left is by Chris Hughes and copyrighted by University of Waterloo, Graphics.) TheoFantastique: One of the areas of research I […]

Douglas Cowan Interview Part 1: Forthcoming Book “Sacred Space”

In the past Douglas Cowan, professor at Renison University College – University of Waterloo, has been a guest of TheoFantastique as he discussed his previous book Sacred Terror: Religion and Horror on the Silver Screen (Baylor University Press, 2008). Now he returns to discuss his forthcoming book Sacred Space on science fiction and transcendence, also […]

DISTRICT 9: Responses to Film Review

In connection with the long weekend I was finally able to see District 9, and with this post I’ll pass along some of my thoughts in relation to the film in light of a review by John T. Stanhope at Cinefantastique Online. First, some of my initial thoughts. I have heard nothing but positive things […]

SURROGATES: Sci-Fi Thriller on Robotics and Digital Technologies

One of the more interesting research and writing projects I worked on earlier this year was a chapter for a forthcoming book through Westminster John Knox Press on videogames and digital cultures where I presented some thoughts on a techno theology of cybersociality, the interactions between human beings over the Internet and through other digital technologies […]

Sci-Fi Insight on Current Events: The Slave’s Right to Punish His Persecutors

America seems doomed never to be able to move beyond its struggles with racism. Despite having elected an African-American president, and other great strides since the days of slavery and the Civil Rights era, charges of racism continue to haunt the country in pop culture. From Al Sharpton connecting race with Michael Jackson’s death, to Jessie […]

Life Imitates Sci Fi Art

It has been said that art imitates life, but with the symbiotic relationship between the two, and the strong influence of various facets of art on popular culture, many times the influence moves in the other direction. This was illustrated over the last week or so in which it could be said that life imitates […]

Planet of the Apes: Intelligent Sci-Fi Past and Present

Remember that science fiction film franchise from a few decades ago that captured the imagination of young and old alike, and which opened the door for merchandising that is now the industry standard? While it is tempting to think of the adventures of those “a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away” as […]

Cinematic Coming Attractions of Promise

The remainder of 2009, and the first part of 2010, holds out promise for fans of fantastic cinema, and that’s not including the legions of fans awaiting the next Harry Potter and Twilight installments. Three fantastic cinema attractions are of especially interest and on the radar for front row movie tickets over the next few […]

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